ADVICE aims at increasing the numbers of HEVs and P-HEVs up to 10% of all vehicles registered in the mid-term range. This will be achieved by focusing on a market segment called „premium class„, which covers medium class over upper medium class up to luxury vehicles and to SUVs. This segment is facing severe problems in reaching the more and more severe European CO2 targets, when running on fossil fuel only, not the least due to the considerable vehicle weight.
In ADVICE three physical demonstrator vehicles are built, ranging from mild-hybrid to full plug-in hybrid and – concerning fuel type – from gasoline to diesel-driven.
In addition, it will be shown that the whole range in between these demonstrator vehicles can be well covered by means of validated simulation, yielding a complete coverage of the whole “premium class” segment.
Besides fulfilling the energy efficiency and emission requirements of the call and limiting premium cost to 5% with respect to the best in-class non-hybrid diesel (and 15% premium for a P-HEV), particular attention is devoted to optimum drivability and drive performance, which are essential when purchasing a “premium class” vehicle and thus crucial to achieve the market penetration aimed at. All these objectives will be accomplished by:
· Architecture level hybrid powertrain solutions suitable to be modularly applied to different segments to increase their volumes, thus reducing costs
· Advanced (predictive) control strategies, taking advantage of future knowledge from external media and model predictive control strategies, taking the whole vehicle into account (not only the hybrid part)
· Novel optimised approaches in the aftertreatment system
· Newly developed high-temperature electronics, enabling novel strategies and approaches for energy- and thermal-management and
· Multi-core processor architectures, enabling sophisticated, computationally expensive control strategies and models processed on board of the vehicles.
ADVICE overall targets at a glance
In order to achieve the stated project goals and to drive forward Europeans leading position in vehicle research and development, European key players from the automotive domain have bundled their forces to form the ADVICE consortium, which consists of 22 partners from eight different European countries. The experience of involved OEMs from three different countries (VCC, CRF, GM), Tier1 suppliers (AVL, AVL Schrick, FEV and VALEO), and other major industrial partners (SIE, IFAG) regarding vehicle development and exploitation as well as the tight link to standardization bodies significantly impacts the success of this project initiative on European level.
Via Terracini 2/c - 40131 Bologna - Italy
Tel. +39.051.9923806 / +39.051.0548470
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Via Terracini 2 , 40131 Bologna
Via Provinciale Bologna 28/30
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