
Alma Automotive is a two-way connection between the Academia and the Automotive Industry; from these we have gained much of the experience that today we can put at the service of our customers. The world of Motorsport in particular, has posed us challenges that we have always faced with the strength of our knowledge.

Continuous research has led us to be a reliable partner for supply and design of excellent products and services.

The gap between Aerospace and Motorsport devices is decreasing everyday and industries are employing both type of components considering them reciprocally.  The quality and the reliability levels reached by the automotive industry in the last decade, boosts this sector to new challenges.

Alma Automotive's Aerospace team hosts heterogeneous and transversal skills that contribute to offer a 360 ° product management capacity, which includes technological feasibility services, electronic and mechanical design, production  capability for small and large batches and functional and electric testing.

We can guarantee high quality standards by adopting the best design methodologies, perfect production processes and electronic components with state-of-the-art performance.

italia di notte fotografata dallo spazio

From race to space

Successful motorsport devices requires state-of-the-art performance and the highest grade of quality and reliability. To reach these standards, racing modules use military or space-grade electronic components.

That’s why the gap between Aerospace and Motorsport products is decreasing everyday and industries are employing both type of devices considering them reciprocally.

The quality and the reliability levels reached by the automotive industry in the last decade, boosts this sector to new challenges.

Discover the experience

Thanks to the direct connection with the Aerospace Engineering course at University of Bologna, Alma Automotive has acquired specific competencies in the aeronautics and aerospace area.

Long time experience in high demanding manufacturing sectors, let us be the perfect partner for multiple services, from professional engineering consulting up to a complete electronic systems design. We are able to provide development services for devices that require complex engineering processes with high quality certified procedures.

dettaglio di scheda elettronica con chip saldato
persone in piedi, attorno ad una scrivania, atte a discutere un progetto

Sharing KnowledgE
Building relationships

Alma Automotive's Aerospace team hosts heterogeneous and transversal skills that contribute to offer a 360 ° product management experience.

  • technological feasibility services
  • electronic and mechanical design
  • small and large batches production capability
  • electric and functional testing


Contact us
Alma Automotive s.r.l.

Via Terracini 2/c - 40131 Bologna - Italy
Tel. +39.051.9923806 / +39.051.0548470
Fax +39.051.0544839

Our locations

Via Terracini 2 , 40131 Bologna

Via Provinciale Bologna 28/30
40066, Pieve di Cento (BO)


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