Automotive Testing Expo Europe 2015

Alma Automotive will be at the Automotive Testing Expo Europe 2015 to present the main products designed to support engine development and testing.
16-17-18 June 2015
Messe Stuttgart, Germany.


Don't miss the presentation of our latest compact and rugged MIRACLE2 and OBI-M2! Higher computational power, reduced size and weight, and more hardware, without losing the characteristic ruggedness (temperature range and vibration compliance) of its predecessor.

These outstanding hardware improvements enabled us to upgrade our combustion analysis system OBI-M1, which will be able to process up to 12 cylinders and 24 fast analog inputs overall




Check this out at the Automotive Testing Expo website (New rapid controller and combustion analysis systems). 


 Register now for free and visit us at stand 1940


Contact us
Alma Automotive s.r.l.

Via Terracini 2/c - 40131 Bologna - Italy
Tel. +39.051.9923806 / +39.051.0548470
Fax +39.051.0544839

Our locations

Via Terracini 2 , 40131 Bologna

Via Provinciale Bologna 28/30
40066, Pieve di Cento (BO)


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