Borghi & Saveri acquisition

Bologna, October 4th 2019. Alma Automotive, a company active in the field of automation, control and testing in the automotive and industrial sectors, announces the acquisition of 100% of the shares of Borghi & Saveri, a historic manufacturing company of engine test benches.


In business since 1935, Borghi & Saveri has evolved from a manufacturer of weighing instruments to an engine test bench manufacturer, becoming a reference company recognized worldwide for the reliability of its products and the quality of services offered. Thanks to the effective and far-sighted guidance of Giampaolo Borghi, the company managed to successfully navigate the stormy waters of the automotive market, overcoming even the deepest crises.


The acquisition, which happened after a long and fruitful collaboration between the two companies, aims to strengthen the positioning of Borghi & Saveri in an evolving market and in transition to new technologies, while enhancing relations with old time customers, starting with the Motor Valley companies. The process of gradual integration between the two companies will take place in the sign of continuity, thanks also to the contribution of Giampaolo Borghi, which will continue to be a cornerstone and reference point within Borghi & Saveri.


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Alma Automotive s.r.l.

Via Terracini 2/c - 40131 Bologna - Italy
Tel. +39.051.9923806 / +39.051.0548470
Fax +39.051.0544839

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Via Provinciale Bologna 28/30
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