Engine development and calibration require much effort to reduce fuel consumption, control emissions and maximise performance.
Our experience, developed over 15 years in this speciality and focused on customer feedback, suggests that a real-time cycle-by-cycle combustion analysis system can greatly speed up engine development and calibration. Furthermore, it offers better controllability in respect of knock and misfire, actuation monitoring, integration with industry standard ECU calibration SW and results in faster development and reduced costs overall.
Alma Automotive developed a toolchain around the most compact Combustion Analysis System available on the market: OBI-M2. It is the result of a long-time collaboration with our main motorsport customers and is currently a key component of the engines used in the top-class motorsport championship. OBI-M2 is ideal for on-board and test bench applications during the development stage and also for small series production.
The toolchain consists of:
Via Terracini 2/c - 40131 Bologna - Italy
Tel. +39.051.9923806 / +39.051.0548470
Fax +39.051.0544839
PEC amministrazione@pec.alma-automotive.it
Via Terracini 2 , 40131 Bologna
Via Provinciale Bologna 28/30
40066, Pieve di Cento (BO)
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