DC-DC Motorsport

Introducing the DC-DC 800V-48V electronic converter, our powerhouse solution specifically developed for motorsport with voltage conversion up to 550W.

This cutting-edge device features two specialized boards: the High-Voltage Board orchestrates an isolated conversion from 800VDC to 48VDC using advanced LLC resonant converter technology, while the Low-Voltage Board leverages GaN Mosfets Technology to efficiently transform 48VDC to 14VDC, all packed into a sleek, compact design.

Experience power and efficiency like never before.

  • Conversion Power: 550W
  • GaN technology
  • Weight: 585 gr
  • On-board sensors
  • Race Proven
  • Cooling: Air

Our DC-DC 800V-48V is built with two different boards:

  • High-Voltage Board: it implements an isolated conversion from 800VDC to 48VDC based on an LLC resonant converter topology.
  • Low-Voltage Board: it operates a conversion from 48VDC to 14VDC using GaN Mosfets Technology to achieve high efficiency in a very small package, as required in motorsport.
    The Low Voltage board communicates with the main ECU using the CAN Protocol.

Alma Automotive power converter has been designed to be vibration resistant, with particular focus for severe ambient use.

The DC-DC is equipped with on-board data acquisition such as: load current, bus voltages, environmental temperature, pressure and VOC, actuator status and other. It is also able to drive and communicate with the actuator for the charge port using the CCS2 protocol. This DC-DC also has a 48V PWM out to supply a pump driver up to 400W and a 12VPWM. The DC-DC has an integrated BOOST module, so it is possible to power-on and supply load on 12V Chassis up to 80W with an external Kicker Cell. The LV board provides an on-board charger to recharge the Kicker Cell when the DCDC is powered by High-Voltage or external power supply (Jump Battery).


Contact us
Alma Automotive s.r.l.

Via Terracini 2/c - 40131 Bologna - Italy
Tel. +39.051.9923806 / +39.051.0548470
Fax +39.051.0544839

PEC amministrazione@pec.alma-automotive.it

Our locations

Via Terracini 2 , 40131 Bologna

Via Provinciale Bologna 28/30
40066, Pieve di Cento (BO)


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