O₂ Sensor Simulator

Wideband O₂ Sensor Simulator For Ecu Testing

Alma Automotive developed and put in production the first wideband oxygen sensor simulator (lambda probe simulator). It allows for a complete ECU testing solution, enabling closed loop control on the air to fuel ratio (AFR). The system is conceived to have an easily connection to any HIL system with a wide choice of controlling buses, without any additional HW. The system is developed for SLSC format or in a stand-alone version. There are two version with two or four independent channels. The model-based control allows to simulate a wide variety of wideband sensors.

The furnished software enables the use of an independent setpoint of air flow ratio and temperature, via analog signals, ethernet bus (stand-alone version) or NI SLSC Bus (SLSC Version). The sensor simulation is complete, both the pumping cell and the reference cell electrical characteristics are integrated in a single simulation. The channel to channel isolation allows to connect multiple UEGO controllers to the single card without grounding and interference issues.


schema di utilizzo del sensore di simulazione lambda. il dispositivo si interfaccia con una ECU e un sistema HIL

Key Features

  • Available in NI SLSC form factor or Stand Alone version
  • 2 or 4 independent channels versions available
  • Complete simulation in a single module, no additional hardware required
  • Independent Air to Fuel Ratio and Temperature Setpoint
  • Stand Alone version: setpoint via Analog Signals or Ethernet bus
  • SLSC Version: setpoint via Analog Signals or NI SLSC Bus
  • Model based control allows to simulate a wide variety of Wideband Sensors
  • Easy to install in existing HIL systems, self protected and reliable operation

The oxygen sensor simulator is also available in stand-alone version

Simulator Compatibility


  • Bosch® LSU 4.2®
  • Bosch® LSU 4.9®
  • NTK® LZA 03®
  • NTK® LZA 08®


  • Any controller based on Bosch® CJ125® circuit
  • Any controller based on Bosch® CJ135® circuit

For any other type of sensor or controller, our engineers are available to perform dedicated testing in our laboratories. These tests allow us to guarantee full compatibility with the specific sensor or controller required.



Contact us
Alma Automotive s.r.l.

Via Terracini 2/c - 40131 Bologna - Italy
Tel. +39.051.9923806 / +39.051.0548470
Fax +39.051.0544839

PEC amministrazione@pec.alma-automotive.it

Our locations

Via Terracini 2 , 40131 Bologna

Via Provinciale Bologna 28/30
40066, Pieve di Cento (BO)


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