Internet Of Things

The Automation division of Alma Automotive provides professional services and technical consultancy for the analysis, design, and development of software and hardware for industrial and IoT applications.

The Internet of Things (IoT) represents a technological revolution that is redefining our world. This network of interconnected devices, equipped with sensors and communication capabilities, offers a range of key benefits in various sectors.

In the industrial sector, IoT enables the "smart factory." Machines and industrial plants can be monitored in real-time through specific sensors, enabling predictive maintenance. This results in a reduction in unplanned machine downtime costs and increased operational efficiency.

In the logistics and supply chain sector, IoT offers real-time traceability of products and goods. This optimizes inventory management and distribution planning, reducing waste and improving timely delivery of goods.

In the energy sector, IoT is employed for monitoring and managing energy usage. This allows companies to optimize their energy consumption, reducing operational costs and mitigating environmental impact.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming industries and business processes through automation, real-time data collection, and optimization. Data and analytics are the driving forces behind digital transformation, and this technology offers a significant competitive advantage and promises to bring increasingly advanced innovations in the years to come.


  • Technological feasibility services
  • Project Specification Definition with project management methodologies
  • Electronic Boards Design: electronic and mechanical computer-aided design
  • FW & SW development: C, C++, Python, JavaScript, QT
  • Prototyping: rapid deliverables clostest to the final product
  • Device production via full/partial account production, single/multiple batch
  • End Of Line Test Equipment: custom test benches and automated testing software

Alma Automotive IoT systems successfully fulfil the industry 4.0
and big data analytics requirements.

case studies

Vending machine

  • Handling of multiple equipment hardware configurations
  • Data collection for hardware failures, products lifetime, user analystics
  • Worldwide connectivityusing LTE
  • Data collection for statistics (data analytics)
  • Connection with common payment system protocols(MDB, Executive)
  • Support for OTA and remote settings management
  • User interaction via touchscreen, proximirt sensor and ADA Panel
  • Client customization with different attract loop videos, products list, assets
  • User authentication with barcodes and NFC readers

EV-Battery Monitoring System

  • Handling of multiple equipment hardware configurations
  • Data collection for hardware failures and batterylifetime
  • Worldwide connectivity using LTE, WiFi and Ethernet
  • Common automotive BUS connectivity (CAN BUS)
  • Support for OTA and remote settings management
  • Industrial connectivity support (RS-232 and RS485)
  • Alarm notification for safety reasons
  • User analytics for Gamification

Smart Beverage Delivery System

  • Retrofit of already installed systems
  • Data collection for hardware failures, products lifetime, user analystics
  • Beverage quality estimation
  • Predictive maintenance
  • Energy measures of electric apparatus
  • NFC reader for kegs recognition
  • Peak&Hold with current closed loop control
  • Worldwide connectivity using GPRS/GSM
  • BLE 5.0, RS485 and RS232 allows to connect with other boards
  • Support for OTA and remote settings management
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Contact us
Alma Automotive s.r.l.

Via Terracini 2/c - 40131 Bologna - Italy
Tel. +39.051.9923806 / +39.051.0548470
Fax +39.051.0544839

Our locations

Via Terracini 2 , 40131 Bologna

Via Provinciale Bologna 28/30
40066, Pieve di Cento (BO)


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