Alma Automotive is supporting PUNCH Hydrocells in an advanced project focused on the development of innovative combustion control strategies for future hydrogen fueled internal combustion engines.

Alma Automotive plays a crucial role in this advanced project collaboration, offering highly specialized technical support and innovative components. The groundbreaking devices, capable of non-invasively controlling combustion, have proven to be a decisive contribution to the efficiency and reliability of hydrogen-powered propulsion systems.

Another noteworthy aspect is the strong bond between Alma Automotive and the University of Bologna. This collaboration with the educational institution has facilitated a constant exchange of knowledge and access to cutting-edge resources and expertise in hydrogen propulsion research.

The collaboration between Alma Automotive and PUNCH exemplifies both companies' commitment to innovation and sustainability in the field of mobility. The use of hydrogen as an energy source holds the potential to revolutionize the automotive industry, and this partnership is laying the foundation for a cleaner and more efficient future.

PUNCH Hydrocells

PUNCH Hydrocells is a core part of the PUNCH Group, based in Turin in the Cittadella Politecnica.

PUNCH Hydrocells has earned an excellent reputation in part thanks to our rich and storied background in automotive engineering. With more than twenty years’ experience in developing diesel engines and control systems, we are now building on that heritage to provide answers to the many problems facing the transition of energy sources which is so vital for tackling climate change.

We have the benefit of a world-class team of highly skilled experts across several specialized fields including artificial intelligence, control electronics, and mechanical and electrical engineering. This diverse team allows PUNCH Hydrocells to cover the entire value-chain of the hydrogen ecosystem, incorporating: Production, Storage and Distribution, Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engines.

We make hydrogen power a practical proposition by delivering:

for propulsion and power generation
We build our excellence around passionate and professional people.

#Thermal Modelling

Battery pack performances are widely affected by the temperature of the cells. It is basically all related to their chemical and physical nature. Moreover, cell temperature relies on several factors such as cell internal resistance and cell heat exchange.

An accurate battery pack thermal model implies a deep knowledge on thermo and fluid dynamics of the system components, not only inside the battery but also in all the sub-systems working with the heat transfer medium.

The figure below shows the results of an experiments carried out during our validation activities of a racing electric powertrain with a liquid cooled battery pack. Cell and coolant temperatures are modeled with a maximum error of ±1.5°C.

Model inputs:

  • battery cell thermal model calibration;
  • vehicle speed;
  • electric motor torque;
  • thermal management system (air cooling, heat pumps or customer based cooling system).

The model is able to simulate the temperature of each cell inside the battery pack, keeping the computational effort low, and allowing the use of the model even in Real-Time applications. The model is flexible and easily tunable to cover the whole range of thermal management solutions.

#Voltage Modelling

Compact models with accurate results is the main goal we aim to accomplish.

In this case, a brief comparison between simulated battery pack voltage and State of Charge with experimental data is shown. Our battery pack model is an easly tunable model that can be used to simulate the electrical performances of HV battery packs composed with different Li-ion cell types.

Thanks to several calibration activities, our model allows us to simulate the battery pack voltage with a relative error lower than 1% with respect to the experimental data and the battery State of Charge with an absolute error even lower than 1%.

The variety of applications in which the model has been deployed enables us to check simulations reliability and precision, verifying the goodness of the results in 800V automotive powertrains architectures and many other.

What distinguishes us from existing solutions:

  • Precision and flexibility;
  • Complete emulation of electrical and thermal flows;
  • Ability to drive any power supply on the market.
Alma Automotive s.r.l.

Via Terracini 2/c - 40131 Bologna - Italy
Tel. +39.051.9923806 / +39.051.0548470
Fax +39.051.0544839

Our locations

Via Terracini 2 , 40131 Bologna

Via Provinciale Bologna 28/30
40066, Pieve di Cento (BO)


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